Sunday, January 16, 2011


Okay so lets talk about distractions. I try to write a bit each day but let's face it, sometimes life gets in the way. What kind of distractions keep you from writing?

I'll tell you what distracts me:

1. My full-time job. Until this writing thing pays off, I have to work to keep the electricity and internet on so I can write oh and do research... :-)
2. Kids. Even though I only have one at home now, he's still a distraction. Come to think of it, the two that aren't here are distractions too. :-P
3. Television. I love to watch 'my shows'. Turns out I watch quite a bit of TV. I try to stick to shows that inspire me with their writing, but I watch Hawaii Five-O just for the eye candy. (Hello Alex O'Loughlin)
4. Sports. I am a huge sports fan. I love hockey and football and I have to say, I have the Jets/Patriots game on as I'm typing this. :-D

Those are just a few things that keep me from spending all day with my favorite characters. Please feel free to add to my list with your comments.

Until then...enjoy writing whatever it is you're working on.

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